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Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
Last CSA of 2019
Merry almost Christmas!
This is the last CSA share of 2019. We have enjoyed farming for you this year, and are grateful for a good season. We plan to send out weekly availability e-mails, based on what we have available, allowing you to purchase online, starting around mid January. 1 read more »
Slowing down at the farm
We are starting to slow down here on the farm; the weather is cooling, the plantings are all getting harvested, we're removing covers, stakes, weed barriers, drip line, and all the other materials from the fields, organizing, cleaning, and storing them. The fields are empty, which is our cue1 read more »
Wind on the farm!
Whew! that was windy!
We had some extreme wind this weekend, starting Friday night and going through Sunday. We often get wind, as we are on top of a hill, and we have learned to deal with it pretty well, but this wind did create a casualty; our new spinach tunnel, built last month, blew over1 read more »