Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms

Farm Happenings for July 30, 2024

Posted on July 26th, 2024
  This week we continue with our essay about what it means for Millsap Farm to be sustainable.   People often tour our farm to see a sustainable farm in action, either as educational groups, or as part of pizza night. When they arrive on farm, I give a brief introduction; first generatio1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 23, 2024

Posted on July 19th, 2024
Good morning, sorry for the delayed harvest estimate this weekend, hope you're enjoying the beautiful cool weather this weekend.   First, a little housekeeping;  Please, if you have some of our gray or blue plastic produce totes, please set them out for our delivery drivers this week1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 16, 2024

Posted on July 12th, 2024
First, a little housekeeping; we are constantly trying to find the balance between high quality produce and good use of resources.  As a result, at times we may send home produce that is less than perfect aesthetically.  We never intentionally send home produce that is less than excellent1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 9, 2024

Posted on July 5th, 2024
This time of year we get asked a lot about how heat effects the farm, so I thought I’d share some insights about high temperature vegetable growing.  Like many aspects of our farm, we look at this through three lenses; people, profits, and planet.   For the people on the farm,1 read more »

We want more members!!! for July 2, 2024

Posted on June 28th, 2024
Hello from the farm!  Things are rocking along out here, we have been harvesting onions, carrots, tomatoes, eggplant, salad turnips, and so much else. It's been a great week, with a couple of super hot days, but plenty of much cooler cloudy weather which has made things much easier, and kept u1 read more »

Farm Happenings for June 25, 2024

Posted on June 21st, 2024
Greetings from the first full day of summer!!!  It's been a very summery week, with rapid growth of the tomatoes, eggplant, and other heat lovers. Today I wanted to share with you what it means to us to have CSA members.  When you join our CSA, you are voting, with your dollars, for a dif1 read more »

Farm Happenings for June 18, 2024

Posted on June 14th, 2024
I came across this cute green frog while harvesting the rose lilies this week!  I hope you enjoy it!  Lots of yummy things in the shares this go around!  read more »

Farm Happenings for June 11, 2024

Posted on June 7th, 2024
Oooops!  I was out late seeding green beans to take advantage of the dry soil and beat the rain, and by the time I got back in the house, I forgot to send this out, my apologies.  On the plus side, that rain was perfect for settling in the beans, and we should have abundant beans in Augus1 read more »

Farm Happenings for June 4, 2024

Posted on May 31st, 2024
The cherry tomatoes are coming on stronger, we planted 800 sweet potato plants yesterday, and the rain came at a perfect time, after we had done the things we needed to accomplish today.  It's been a good week.  Thanks for trusting us to be your farmers.  Curtis read more »