Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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Farm Happenings for May 29, 2020

Posted on May 27th, 2020 by Kimberly Decker

We are now well started into the season; the first two weeks are always a little rough, getting mistakes fixed in the scheduling of shares, figuring out the best systems with new folks on the crew, and other details.  But now we have settled in, and have also had some glorious weather to get things growing!  This week our supply of zucchini and cucumbers is increasing a bit; next week I would expect much more.  We have lots of green tomatoes, and are probably a few weeks away from our first cherry tomatoes.  


Green Cherry Tomatoes

Meanwhile, there are lots of great salad ingredients, excellent herbs, scallions and other seasonal delicacies.   One note, you may possibly be getting more radishes than you're used to eating; if so, here's a couple of farm favorite ways to prepare them; we love shredded radishes mixed into butter and spread on toast! and we also love them boiled, buttered, and salted, like you would potatoes.  Both recipes remove almost all of the spiciness, while leaving the nutty and sweet parts of the radish to be enjoyed.

Thanks for choosing us to be your farmers!

-Farmer Curtis and Crew