Farm Happenings at Spoon Full Farm
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Summer Heat.

Posted on July 24th, 2020 by Justina Soltys

Dear Spoon Full Farm Family,

Welcome to week 7 of the CSA, and the end of July! It's officially the mark of summer fruit season on the farm. We'll have our first sweet (and hot) pepper harvest, and the first cucumber harvest of the summer, all happening this upcoming week. This is our favorite (and most exhausting) time of the year as our days are long but our bellies (and hearts) are full and happy. We all shared the first cucumber of the season out in the fields during our crop walk on Friday, and we almost all teared up. Nothing quite beats a sun-kissed cucumber eaten seconds after it was harvested. We are excited to share this experience with you as you'll see cucumbers in your box this week. We love you! 

Just a couple of things,

  • Our usual bread baker, Conor, over at The Cottage at Blue Ridge will not be baking bread for us this upcoming week, and so those with a bread share, you'll be receiving sourdough bread from Ben's Bread., a community-supported bakery in Seattle. Feel free to check him out. 
  • Due to your enthusiasm, we are so happy to offer 1. lb bags of  Early Red Haven Peaches from Collin's Family Orchard, and Cherry Valley Dairy Butter again this week. 

Happy eating! 

Wishing you good health,

Your Spoon Full Farmers