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Farm Happenings at NWPA Growers Co-op
CSA Week 5 - July 6-7
We have lots of new things going on right now. Here are a few updates:
Moose Farm has a fresh batch of chickens, so we added legs, thighs, and smaller breasts to the store.
Fresh shipment from Wild for Salmon including cod, shrimp, pollock, and salmon patties.
If you missed it last week, Oli1 read more »
CSA Week 4 June 29-30
We have just passed the Solstice, and Summer marches on, heedless of whether we want the days to shorten. Your farmers are having a difficult time with the topsy-turvy weather this year. But that's really nothing new. Each season brings challenges unique to that year, and we try t1 read more »
CSA Week 3 June 22-23
This week's features
Mushrooms are back! Due to gas prices, Full Moon Mushrooms is planning on every-other-week deliveries for the foreseeable future. So if you love mushrooms, order for two weeks.
Lettuce! Even more varieites to choose from, including Romaine from Glacial Till Fa1 read more »
CSA Week 2 June 15-16, 2022
Even though this is Week 2 of the season, it's only the first week for some if you have a biweekly share or took a vacation day last week. For those of you new to NWPA Growers, welcome! If you have questions about your Farm Share and how this all works, please refer to your welcome emai1 read more »
CSA Week 1 June 8-9 2022
It's here! Week 1 of Summer CSA! To those of you who are new to NWPA Growers, welcome! To those returning after a winter/spring hiatus, welcome back! And to those who stick with your farmers all year, our greatest appreciation.
Please read at least the first sections of this1 read more »