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Farm Happenings at NWPA Growers Co-op
CSA Week 13 Sept 1-2
Our featured photo comes from Glacial Till Farm. Buckwheat in bloom, a pollinator's paradise! While you won't see buckwheat in your CSA shares, the cover crop is an integral part of growing nutritious veggies. After growing for a period of time, cover crops are tilled into th1 read more »
CSA Week 12 August 25-26
This is Week 12 of Summer CSA 2021...halfway through the season! Yes, we're nearing the end of August (already!), but our farmers still have half of our growing season ahead of us. And some of our farmers will continue to grow through the winter in greenhouses, some heated with wood and1 read more »
CSA Week 11 August 18-19
We had some issues with some of our onions recently. Some of the Candy Onions and Red Onions from Detweiler Farm were not cured properly and had started to go bad. They sent them for shares anyway, and we put them into shares hoping you could find something salvageable there. By t1 read more »
CSA Week 10 August 11-12
Summer is moving right along. It's hard to believe we're already approaching the second week of August! The summer is speeding by so quickly. Do you remember when we were young, how a year took soooo long to go by while we awaited our next birthday? Well, not anymore! 1 read more »