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Farm Happenings at NWPA Growers Co-op
Farm Stand for Nov. 3-4
The Farm Stand will be open for ordering until Sunday night at 11 p.m. Place your order for delivery to one of our pickup locations this Wednesday or Thursday. Choose from all the fall veggies including lettuce, kale, squash, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and more. You can also1 read more »
CSA Week 22 - Nov. 3-4
We are at Week 22...only 3 weeks left (including this one)! For those of you who won't continue your CSA shares into the winter, either because we don't deliver to your community in the off-season or you choose to discontinue your share for the winter, it's time to stock up on some items.&nbs1 read more »
CSA Week 21 October 27-28
I'm sure you've noticed that food prices have been rising, just like everything else. But have you noticed that our prices have remained steady this summer and fall? Our meat prices are the same that they were a year ago. Moose Family Farm is even running a sale on round steaks ri1 read more »
CSA Week 20 - Oct 20-21
Can you believe we're already at Week 20? That means we have just over a month left for this season's CSA. Summer/Fall CSA always ends the week before Thanksgiving, and then Winter/Spring CSA will begin the week after.
Winter CSA update
If you pick up at one of the following locations,1 read more »
CSA Week 19 October 13-14
Auto-renew continues your subscription from one season to the next. When your share is renewed, you will have a few days to make changes in size and add-on shares before the order is finalized. So if you want to increase or decrease your share size, or add a ground beef share for the wi1 read more »