Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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Farm Happenings for June 4, 2019

Posted on May 30th, 2019 by Kimberly Decker

FRUIT SHARE MEMBERS:  Blueberries weren't quite ready this week, so we'll be doing something a little different today;  you'll be getting either mulberries picked on our farm, or cherries from Urban Roots Farm in Springfield, our choice.  If you are on farm pickup, you will also be able to choose either cherry tomatoes or mushrooms in addition to cherries or mulberries.  Supplies of all four are tight, so I apologize if you don't get your preference, we're trying to make things work. Thanks for your understanding. 


Spring is giving way to summer in a hurry these days;; last week's rain has turned into this week's sunshine and warmth.  Great news for the tomatoes, squash, and cukes, not so great for the broccoli!  But we'll take it, and we're excited to have the very first cherry tomatoes in the shares this coming tuesday; not quite enough for everyone to get some this week, but looking promising for universal tomatoes next week.  Sometimes it's hard to believe, in the dead of winter, that the heat will return, and we'll be seeking shade and going swimming in four short months, but the seasons keep turning, and it's truly one of the joys of farming.  About the time we start to tire of cutting firewood, tending greenhouse crops, and picking spinach, the season changes, and we're prepping fields like crazy, seeding radishes and carrots, and transplanting kale.  Then about the time we are worn out of that work, we start to harvest tomatoes, cukes, and zukes on a daily basis, fight weeds all over the place, and turn under spinach and radishes.   Turn, turn, turn.   It's a great life, and we don't get bored of it. 

Thanks for choosing us to be your farmers.  
