Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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Farm News July 29, 2022

Posted on July 29th, 2022 by Kimberly Decker

Hi Friends!  Curtis and some of his kids went north this week to enjoy the cooler weather of Michigan and to visit his brother's farm in the UP.  SO if you were waiting to hear about the third P - it will be coming next week :)

I do want to take a minute and talk about tomatoes.  We are having major disease problems in our high tunnel tomatoes - out of three 100 foot rows, we have about 8 living plants.  We also got a second round of tomatoes planted out later than we would have liked.  So that being the case, we are short on tomaotes right now!  We're sorry about this, but we do have some more coming down the pipeline!

This hot weather is draining for us and the plants - we are hoping for the cooler weather (and maybe RAIN???!!!) this weekend.  We optisimistly seeded our first bed of spiniach this week.  The chances of this bed making it are slim, but if it does work, we can harvest spinach in September (and we still have plenty of time to get more beds established!) Spinach perfers it to be under 80 degrees in order to here's to 75 degrees on Saturday and the glimmer of fall crops :)

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out!


Kimby and the farm crew