Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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Peaches Have Arrived!!! Farm Happenings for July 12, 2022

Posted on July 8th, 2022 by Kimberly Decker

Good evening from the farm.  

Well, the good news is that we haven't melted...  We're still out here getting it done, irrigating 24/7, killing weeds, and harvesting crops.  On the downside, this heat is definitely having an impact on the tomato production, as the fruit are ripening super slow because the plants are dormant in the high heat.  The greens, like chard and kale, are taking it over the head, as is the head lettuce and arugula.  The peppers seem to be holding up better than most things, and the leeks, probably due to the fact that their roots are 10" under the soil, are pretty happy as well.  The bulb onions are all harvested, and looking good, so we should have a good supply of bulb onions for the rest of the season, and we're still digging carrots, although we're down to the last two beds (about 3-400lbs per bed), so there will likely be a gap in carrot supply sometime from early August to late September.   All in all, it's a bit hotter than average, but nothing really extreme,  and the crops are tolerating it fairly well.  

The peaches have started!  We get peaches from Bader Farm in Southeast Missouri, because he grows the best peaches we've ever had.  Mr. Bader has been growing peaches for decades, and has mastered the art.  I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.  

Additionally, we've got some really nice leeks in the shares, lots of great onions, and some more offbeat veggies like Kohlrabi and Fennel. 

Hope you've got a creek or pool to dip in, and are enjoying the early mornings as much as we are.  

