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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
CSA Week 7
Good afternoon everyone!
It sure feels like summer! The farm is bustling this time of year. Having greens, roots, squash, and lots of fresh herbs growing at the same time makes me so happy. The smell of tomato plants, the prickliness of zucchini, and the warming days are nostalgic and take1 read more »
CSA Week 6
Good afternoon everyone!
We hope you all enjoyed your shares last week. It's hard to believe we are half way through this season, it feels like it just started. There's lots of great veggies available this week. I'm going to roll the dice and put enough zucchini inventory so everyone has a shot at1 read more »
CSA Week 5
Hey y'all!
We have a great selection of vegetables this week! Potatoes and carrots are making their first appearance in shares this week. The purple carrots grew fastest, so the orange carrots will follow in the coming weeks. We do not wash our new potatoes, because once the dirt is re1 read more »
CSA Week 4
Good Afternoon Members!
I hope all of you are going to enjoy Mother's Day this weekend. Our mom, Fran, helps are farm in so many ways. She is our number one fan, a CSA member, and she has been covering the Dean of Flowers pick ups and the Marion deliveries. We appreciate all that you do for us!&nbs1 read more »
Urban Farm Stand
We are excited to start Farm Stand pick ups! For now, we will have Farm Stand days be Fridays in Monroe at our urban farm and Mondays at Dean of Flowers in Farmerville.
Please be sure to bring your own bags to the pick up locations. Farm Stand has a minimum order amount, but you don’t h1 read more »