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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
We Survived the Summer
Happy Fall members!
Compared to a few weeks ago, I am really enjoying the weather! We still have to water our greens 3 times a day when it is over 80, but work is much less draining. I hope that all of you are finding some time to spend outdoors during this time in Louisiana. A cloudy, gusty1 read more »
Farm Shares September 26-October 2
Farm share members!
We have an amazing growing season ahead for all of you! So much work has been done this summer to improve our infrastructure and soil. Tens of thousands of crops have been planted, and so many more are awaiting transplant. We have planned successions for crops like mini broccoli1 read more »
Fall CSA Week 1
Hello members!
We are excited to get this Fall season started! This has been a busy summer for us. We finished some much needed infrastructure projects, and focused on a good crop plan to make this a great CSA season for all you.
This week, we are beginning harves1 read more »