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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween everyone!
What better way to take a break from the sugar load of this weekend, than with some fresh local vegetables! We have a wonderful share for y'all this week. GREEN BEANS are in plenty supply for every share. I love just nipping the tops and roasting them, or adding whol1 read more »
The Farm Fly-over
Good afternoon members!
Lots of tasty vegetables are on for this week! New in the shares we have purple kohlrabi! Kohlrabi is in the mustard family, which makes it cousin to broccoli, kale, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower. The leaves and stems are used as a cooking green, while the base i1 read more »
Greater Than Eighty
Good afternoon members!
I'm really excited about shares for the next few weeks! We have had lots of leafy greens so far this season, so it makes me happy to add scallions to the shares this week! LETTUCE also be grateful for the return of the lettuce mix! Our green and red mix is buttery, cru1 read more »
Planning-Planting-Growing-Harvesting-Reflecting-Becoming (The Circle of Farm Life)
Hello members!
Our vision of creating a market garden supported by our community is now a reality, and it becomes more resilient every week. I recently heard another small farmer explain that real passion is the ability to not let failures discourage your enthusiasm. With 2020-2021 being our first1 read more »