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Final February Farm Stand
What's Fresh This Week?
Yellow Carrots
Red Russian Kale
Salad & Shoots
French Breakfast Radishes
Oyster Mushrooms!
Limited Harvest
Edible Flowers
Louisiana Strawberries!
The first fresh fruit of the season is always exciting! As Spring appr1 read more »
The Final February Farm Share
There's only three weeks left in this farm share season! We're excited about all of the incredible produce available right now, and thankful for every leaf that survived the cold season. I can almost smell the tomatoes yall! Well, I did re-pot several hundred tomato plants today, so...
What's1 read more »
Strawberries Are Ripe!
Spring is knocking on the door, and Kaden and I have another awesome week of vegetable selections for the farm stand!
What's Fresh This Week?
Yellow Carrots
Mesclun Mix
Napa Cabbage
Oyster Mushrooms!
Limited Harvest
Collard Greens
Bok Choy
Sc1 read more »
Strawberries Are Here!
We are taking Monday off work, so that means that you have extra time to choose exactly what goes into your farm share! This week might be the largest farm share week in our farm's history, so THANK YOU for being part of that milestone!
What's Fresh This Week?
Yellow Carrots
Mesclun M1 read more »
Happy Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day is such a special reminder of the reasons we started farming. Growing food for my wife and I, and for my family is the heart and soul of why I became a farmer. Eating and sharing the incredible food we grow with the people I love the most gives my life so much meaning. I'm also eter1 read more »
Full February Harvests
To be farming in February, means that we have traversed all of the adversities of January. This is one of my favorite months to farm in Louisiana. It's when we plant a large percentage of our Spring/Summer crops, but it's also a time of year when the vegetables over-wintered on the farm taste bette1 read more »