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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
New Year Farm Shares
We hope you had a fantastic Christmas! Our time off allowed us some essential rest and family time. Hopefully, your vegetable drawer is empty and you are excited about a great farm share to kick off 2022! Considering the holiday, I'm going to give everyone a few extra days to customize shares. If t1 read more »
Christmastime & New Year Shares
Welcome to our new farm share season! Thank you to all of our members who auto-renewed and hello to all of our new members. Kaden and I have a great season planned for y'all. The Winter shares might not have the variety as a Spring, or Fall season, but you just can't beat the tastes of cool season1 read more »
Farm Stand and Farm Share Renewals
Wow. We made it! Our efforts throughout the summer paid off, and I think we had a successful growing season this fall-one that will extend into the new year. We made some mistakes, but ones we learned from and overcame, which will make us better growers in 2022. Our Fall farm shares are coming to a1 read more »
Four-Season Farming
Good afternoon!
We were extraordinarily fortunate to receive such amazing weather this week! The warmers temps proved essential, leading to good germinations in some of our last plantings of 2021! We sowed turnips, radishes, kale, lettuce, mustard, and arugula that will all be harvested in late Jan1 read more »