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Farm Happenings at Current Farms
What's Your Jam?
Our brochures are finally printed and I'm ecstatic over them! We will include a few in your share, and ask that you share them with your friends, family, and neighbors (neighbors especially for you home delivery folks)!
This Week
Typically, I start this section by talking about vegetables, but at1 read more »
Welcome to the Mustard Family!
This Week
It's nearly peak season for leafy greens, and the farm share selections are loaded with all of our farm favorites! I had a conversation this week with a farm share member about our mutual love and admiration for rainbow chard. We have three beautiful rows, which are definitely one of my f1 read more »
A Most Memorable Week
This Week
There is a huge selection of amazingly tasty Spring vegetables in this week's shares! It's been incredible to watch how fast everything is growing. Leafy greens are stunning now that we have dialed in our organic soil amendments. The braising greens mix this week is packed with so many sa1 read more »
Eating Salad Without a Fork, Pollen, Pond Fishing, the Cane-Cutter Rabbit, Snakes & Fire Ants
Current Share Crops
I hope you enjoyed your first share of the season! This week, we have another fantastic share for you, filled with delicious tastes of early Spring on the farm. New this week, we will offer Spring Mix as a new salad mix option. It has our lettuce mix, plus tatsoi and rainbow cha1 read more »
Spring & All Your Favorite Greens
Hey y'all! It's great to be back in the swing of farm share season! We have been growing crops for our Spring farm shares since December, and all through the start of 2022. This season, we will feature an amazing variety of vegetables. Shares will begin with lots of leafy greens, salad, and root ve1 read more »