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Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
CSA Pickup Procedure week 3
OK, so this might be a little late after the season is already headed into week 3, but we realized we may need to walk some new folks through the process.
1. Remember to pick up. If you're chosen location is the farm, its not really a problem because we have walk in coolers and you can come g1 read more »
Week 2 of the Winter CSA
If you wondered why we call a CSA season that stases in late October a “winter” season, it’s because November through April is traditionally not a gardening season here in Missouri as evidenced by the hard freeze we all experienced last week. For most of you, this was probably you1 read more »
Winter CSA starts this week!
You are receiving this email because you are signed up for our winter CSA which starts Thursday (October 20th). The details of your selected pickup location including address and times were on your confirmation email. You'll also receive those details each week on Wednesdays when you re1 read more »
Last Summer CSA of 2022
That's a wrap guys! This is the last delivery of the season October 13-15. We hope you've enjoyed the season. It's been a crazy one with a tornado to start it off but we've made it to the end. Thanks for sticking with us!
If you're signed up for the winter CSA, t1 read more »
Farm tour and Sweet Potato Dig.
Only 2 more weeks of the CSA season, ya'll. This week we are 25 weeks into the 26-week main season (last pickups of the Summer CSA are Oct. 13th-15th). We'll miss seeing a lot of ya'll. Will you miss the veggies? No need to, you can still sign up for the winter season to eat1 read more »