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Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
Farm Happenings for April 30, 2020
Well, the first week of the CSA is upon us! Are you ready? We're excited to pretty much end all our market sales and focus on feeding our CSA tribe! In past seasons, we juggled CSA and farmer's markets but with COVID-19, we're going all in with CSA bringing on Harvie and learning the lo1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 16, 2020
This is not a regular summer CSA week. (Also, if you are in the winter CSA, you'll get an email about this Saturday and upcoming Monday CSA pickups which will carry on as scheduled).
We're offering customizable boxes for Thursday April 16 Farm pickup only. You can customize it and order here.1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 9, 2020
The veggies are growing strong and we are grateful for your strong support for our farm! We're excited to test out our pop-up farm stand preorder system. You pick what you want for your box and we'll have it ready for you to pick up. read more »