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Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
Just 2 Weeks left of the CSA! Are you Ready to Renew for Next Season?
Are you feeling the change in the weather? We sure are feeling it! The farm is filling up with fall and winter crops as the nights get cooler and the days get shorter. It seems to happen every year. When we're in the midst of it, we feel like the long hot days of summer will1 read more »
Welcome to Fall
Fall officially starts Wednesday, but it really doesn't feel like it outside. The summer started really slow with a long cool spring but now it doesn't seem to want to go away. Days are getting shorter and evenings are a bit cooler and the forecast says cooler weather is just around the1 read more »
Wincer CSA Registration NOW OPEN
Winter CSA registration is now OPEN. If you haven't signed up yet and want the extended version of the CSA, you can sign up here: https://www.harvie.farm/farm/where-the-redfearn-grows-natural-farm/signup
We aren't advertising outside the CSA group right now because we want you to get a c1 read more »
Winter CSA Registration Opens September 11th.
NEW Winter CSA member registration begins September 11th. If you weren't a winter CSA member last season, starting the 11th you can go here to register: https://www.harvie.farm/farm/where-the-redfearn-grows-natural-farm/signup
We finally have solid info for the winter CSA for you. 1 read more »