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Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
Happy Belated First Day of Summer
In the course of human events
What a blessing a few cool days in the midst of a heat wave have been. Those cooler days serve as a reminder that even though summer only officially started a few days ago, the seasons are governed by, well, seasons. Thankfully we do not live in a land of p1 read more »
the Heat is ON!
Mercury Rising -- Courage Falling
Well, this heat wave is pretty unprecedented. I have to admit it: the heat isn't my favorite. My overactive sweat glands don't serve much purpose in our stifling humidity besides soaking my clothes and boots multiple times per day.
NOAA records in1 read more »
Farm Tornato Recovery
Well, the big news on the farm if you hadn't heard is the EF2 tornado that went right through our property early Wednesday morning around 1:30 AM. We found out just what 115 mph winds can do to greenhouses and trees. There was significant damage to greenhouses, with several completely d1 read more »
Ready or not, here they come!!!!
We have more than 10,000 sweet potato plants due to arrive later this week. Normally we'd be ready for them, but....the cascading effects of a broken tractor delaying the mowing and tilling in of the cover crops and then the continuous rains last week and those forecast this week are making t1 read more »