Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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Back to Back winter CSA deliveries 1/25 and 2/1

Posted on January 19th, 2024 by Dave Redfearn

Hopefully you all got the message that last week's CSA box was postponed until this coming week because of the cold.  We're now scheduled to do CSA deliveries on back to back weeks on 1/25 and 2/1.  Then we'll be back to every other week until we go back to weekly deliveires in March.  So, unless we need to reschedule again because of weather, we're planning on 1/25, 2/1, 2/15, 2/29 and then weekly beginning 3/7.  

Boy it's been a cold couple of weeks and we've had things covered up as best we can in our unheated and minimally heated high tunnels.  The extreme cold has done some damage to some of the less hardly crops but the majority have made it through ok.  We hope the blanket of snow protected our outdoor spinach but it's too early to tell (still covered with snow and frozen row cover).  Due to the cold the next few shares will have limited selections to choose from.  Late January and February are always our toughest time to produce veggies and we typically have our smallest number of items available to choose from.  We'll be replanting and reseeding in the tunnels as the weather warms up this coming week so we can be ready for the rebound in growth in March and April.  The last couple weeks we've been in survival mode and we've survived for the most part. 

These were the coldest temperatures in Kansas City since 1989, so it's definitely the coldest temps we've had to endure while farming.  

I hope you've had time to curl up by the fire and read a book.  That's about all this type of weather is good for.


Bread and Cheese

Farm to Market Sourdough Artisan loaf

Hemme Brothers "Brother's Keeper" block 

Thanks for hanging with us through the cold!

Your farmers,

Dave and Sheri