Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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A brief reprieve from the cold soon

Posted on January 27th, 2024 by Dave Redfearn

It's been miserably cold and muddy on the farm this week, but at least things weren't completely frozen.  We are hoping to see the sun again next week.  Won't that be wonderful?

We're in the lean time of the year right now when sometimes it's hard to find enough to harvest.  Last week we were really tight on spinach and the harvest for spinach alone took almost 20 hours of work because of needing to be selective removing leaves with severe frost damage.  After the next couple of weeks we hope things will improve for us as the sun comes back out and things start to grow again. 

Sometimes when we look at the limitations we have providing fresh greens in winter, it can be a little discouraging.  However, when we realize what we are doing, growing fresh food during the coldest winter temperatures the midwest has seen in decades, it sort of puts things in perspective.  In fact, I saw a Kansas City food coop of a dozen farms that delivers locally grown food in KC, didn't have a single fresh green available in their weekly offerings last week, so I guess we're doing better than average.  This weather has been hard on all the local farms and we're doing our best to provide as much as we can.

So please bear with us for the next couple of harvests when selection and quantity will be limited.  This is one reason why we do every other week deliveries in the deep winter.  

After this week's Feb 1st delivery, your next delivery will be Feb 15th and then Feb 29th before we go back to every week deliveries in March.  By then, we hope to have a bounty of fresh greens again.  We've been replacing damaged and destroyed crops with new ones that should start yielding then.  

Bread and Cheese

 Farm to Market Great Grains sliced bread

Hemme Brothers Chive Curds

Thanks for going through the lean times and the bountiful times with us.  It is a pleasure to provide you with all that we can during the depths of winter.

Your farmers,

Dave and Sheri