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Farm Happenings at Persephone Market Garden
Week 3 Farm Stsand
Welcome to the Farm Stand!
This week we have a fabulous selection of greens (lettuce, chicories, kale and more!), plus a range of delicious crunchy roots, herbs and eggs. Check it out! read more »
Week 2 -- June 27th
In the garden, June is a bit of an in-between time.
The spring planting is mostly over and the summer planting (for autumn) has not started. Instead of planting, our days are filled with 'taking care'. So we are pruning and trellising tomatoes and managing weeds. This year, we are using lots of car1 read more »
Week 2 -- June 20th
Tuesday is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere -- the longest day of the year! Depending on the place, the solstice is considered either mid-summer or the start of summer. Regardless of what it's called, many cultures celebrate this day.
In our parts, we have about 15 1/2 hours of daylig1 read more »
Week 1 -- Welcome
And so another season starts!
This is our 13th season of growing vegetables for our community. Every year is a new adventure with challenges and joys.
The season begins with a rush of leafy greens, roots and herbs will join in shortly, then come the summer fruits. Autumn is a bounty of variety.
Be1 read more »