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Farm Happenings at Persephone Market Garden
Week 7 -- July
Can you remember when it was so dry in June? Seems like a LONG time ago now!
We got another 2.5 inches of rain this weekend. The pond is up to early spring levels. Fortunately, all the mulching that we have done in the garden is carrying us through this very wet July. The mulch prevents erosion dur1 read more »
Week 6 -- July
That's a view of the greenhouse...which is pretty full!
We've got lots to plant right now! This week the cabbage (red, savoy and green), broccoli and lettuce are on the list. Plus seeding some more carrots (we seeded 3000 linear feet of carrots last week!). I think next week, we've got beans, beets1 read more »
Week 5 -- Summer days
The dry days of May and June seem far away. We've had about 6 inches of rain in the past two weeks. And it looks like there is lots more on the way this week. What a contrast.
While this can make preparing beds for seeding and planting a bit challenging, it certainly helps those seeds and plants ge1 read more »
Week 4 -- The second planting season begins
Early July and the second planting season is starting! While there is the big spring rush of planting (all of May!) and there are crops that we plant continuously throughout the season (lettuce, bok choi, chicories, beets, herbs), July is when plant and seed for autumn! Lots of carrot beds will be1 read more »