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Farm Happenings at Persephone Market Garden
Week 3 -- we had LOTS of rain!
It started last Friday and by Saturday evening we had received 3 1/2 inches of rain!
The relief was immense and my heart sang with gratitude!
While it came down heavily at times, we didn't have any puddles on Sunday morning, nor did I saw run off. Whew. The soil just absorbed it all! All that1 read more »
Week 2 -- We had some rain!
Yes! On Friday night we were lucky and had a lovely little shower that gave us about a half inch of rain. The smell of the earth was magical! And the plants in the garden just looked BETTER the next day! What a wonderful boost just ahead of the summer solstice on Monday. It's peak growing time and1 read more »
Week 1 -- And so it starts!
Here we go!
This is the first week of veggie deliveries for 2021...our 12th season! We're excited to have you join us for a season of fresh, local an delicious vegetables (and herbs)!
Spring has been a rollercoaster -- hot and dry, then very cold! And then hot again! Fortunately, the no-till method1 read more »