Farm Happenings at Persephone Market Garden
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Week 11 -- Rain

Posted on August 22nd, 2022 by Kristine Hammel

It rained!

We've had a bit of rain all season -- but it has been very dry for very long. Like since the snow melted. We didn't get good soaking spring rains and then just the occasional sprinkle all through May, June and July. We had a good 1.75 inch soak earlier in August. But since it was so dry, that rain just seemed to evapourate. And the last 10 days have been VERY dry. Usually at this time of the year, we can reliably depend on rain arriving. We've been planting and seeding lots, so really need water.

But then, Summerfolk weekend came. It's a mini vacation for us. We go enjoy music and dancing and friends. And the rain came. What a relief. Now both the fields and the humans are refreshed!