Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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Summer CSA Week 2

Posted on May 11th, 2024 by Dave Redfearn

We hope your first week has gone well and you're discovering new and exciting recipes to enjoy your abundance of fresh food!  This week, the availability will look pretty similar to last week.  Spring treasures like sugar snap peas and broccolini are just around the corner.  Quite possibly we'll be seeing those next week.  

This week we will be beginning to harvest spring onions and green garlic.  Both of theses vegetables are something you won't find in the store.  They are young and immature versions of what you already know, but they can be used a bit differently.  The tops of the spring onions can be used like you would green onions and the bulbs like you would normal onions.  Since they are green and uncured, the flavor is more mild and these definitely need to be stored in the fridge. Green garlic you can use the bottom (root end) 4-6 inches, the white part and the light green stem, chopped like you would a garlic bulb. Because the green garlic isn't cured, you should store it in the fridge.  

Farm News

A mostly dry week, was very necessary to help us dry out from the previous wet one.  I don't know about records, but we got nearly one foot of rain in just over a week, which is the most I remember ever dealing with.  Our farm is in a low lying area, which means, all the water heads our way.  We formed raised beds and we've installed drain tiles and berms, and lots of covered high tunnels to help alleviate water logged conditions, but this definitely a test.  All in all, things survived pretty well.  We were sad to see some amazing looking beds of spinach succumb to overly wet roots, so spinach availability is down this week as a result.  We thought we might be home free because the spinach survived the wet week.  They were some beautiful beds of bright green spinach that suddenly turned yellow this week after the unexpected freak rain.  Dave was very sad about that.  But we do have other beds of large spinach that were on slightly higher ground that we will be harvesting this week.  If we can stop getting multi-inch rainfalls for a while, we should have some nice smaller spinach again in a week or two from the later plantings.  Some crops really can't handle being super wet: spinach and arugula are two of the most sensitive.  They can look great one day, and terrible the next even after the rain has stopped.  

But in general, things are recovering and all of our protective measures we've taken over the years has allowed us to weather the storm better than we could have done in the past.  Just a reminder that we still need some work and that even with all we can do, nothing is fully within our control.


Bread and Cheese

Farm to Market Great Grains sliced bread (btw, I don't recommend getting the bread for Saturday pickup since the bread is delivered on Thursday to the farm and Farm to Market Bread company is at the OPFM)

Hemme Brothers Quark Cheese

Thank you for embarking on this season long journey of farm to table community.

Dave and Sheri