Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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Help Us Fill up the Summer CSA

Posted on March 2nd, 2024 by Dave Redfearn

We're 2 months out from the start of the summer CSA and we have around 100 spots yet to fill.   We're celebrating #CSAweek this coming week so we'll be posting lots of content on social media inviting people to get to know our farm.  Will you help us spread the word?  Just share and comment on our posts and create your own posts telling about your CSA experience.  

Every year as spring get's closer, we start to get nervous if we'll have enough members to eat all the veggies we are planting.  It's yet another opportunity to put our faith in God's providence as we pray for his provision for our farm and our family.  We know we don't deserve his bountiful provision and we aren't entitled to anyone purchasing our vegetables.  We depend on God in faith in Christ's redeeming work on our behalf and trust his goodness to know better than we, how many members we really need in order to sustain our family and employees.  We've been praying for the same number of summer members as we had last year and now it's time to put our faith into action by writing social media posts and putting calls to action out to our friends like you.  So please join us in prayer and action as you feel led.  

Growing fast, sometimes too fast

The warm sunny days have been amazing!  Dave has been feeling conflicted trying to do some final winter office work (like writing big social media campaigns and grant proposals and doing taxes) while seeing the outdoors ready for work.  We're getting ready to start planting outdoors and prepping lots of beds and even planting spring cover crops, finishing up the new greenhouse, and keeping the tunnels planted and replanted as well as starting lots of seedlings (including the baby ginger) in the greenhouse.  

The crops in the high tunnels are responding to the warmth quickly.  Sometimes too quickly.  Radishes which had gone through extreme cold and then beautiful warmth wanted to flower so we had to harvest them a few days early for this week, cut off the tops and put into the cooler.  If you've ever wondered why the radishes or turnips sometimes come "topless" it's sometimes because they got ahead of us and were looking like they were going to flower and get tough.  Better to harvest a week or two early and keep them crisp in the cooler than to let them get hard and woody out in the field.  

This time of year, Sheri is working overtime trying to determine which greens are about to bolt (start to flower) and to make sure to get those harvested in the proper week because they might be too far gone the following week and have to be composted.  It's hard to get used to this quickening of the pace after the (normally) much slower growth we see in January and February.  But the warm has come early and so has the spring growth.  We'll keep harvesting and tearing out and replanting to keep the fresh veggies coming.

Bread and Cheese

Farm to Market Italian Artisan Loaf

Hemme Brothers Quark jar

Thanks again for your part in this farming enterprise.  We can't do it without you.

Dave and Sheri