Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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Only 2 WEEKS LEFT of the CSA

Posted on October 7th, 2023 by Dave Redfearn

The summer CSA season is winding down.  The traditional growing season is coming to a close and so is the summer CSA.  We have one more pickup after this coming pickup.  The final CSA delivery for the summer season is October 19th-21st.  

We are very grateful that you've spent this last 6 months eating the work of our hands.  If you don't want the freshness to end, and you want to continue eating fresh local produce all winter, you can still sign up for our winter CSA here: We don't actually stop growing just because the growing season ends.  Over the years, we've learned a thing or two about extending the growing season throughout the winter, which includes the many high tunnel's we've built to allow us to grow fresh greens and roots throughout the winter.  We don't supplement with light or enough heat to grow summer crops in winter because that is cost prohibitive and in our view a waste of resources, so we focus on the cold hardy cool season crops that can withstand Missouri winters with some protection.  

These last couple summer CSA deliveries, we are pulling out all the stops.  Frost is imminent.  In fact, there is a light frost on our fields this morning but as I write this, (Saturday morning at 5:45) it's too dark to survey the damage.  We took precautions to cover a section of green beans to hopefully allow us one final harvest this week.  We'll put them on the availability this week and hope they aren't killed before we pick them for your shares.  Just know that we may have to substitute something else for green beans if the frost covers aren't able to keep them save through the next couple nights.  Besides those, we are pretty positive about the outlook.  We've got fresh-cured sweet potatoes from last week's harvest available this week as well as incredible greens which are absolutely loving the nip in the air.  

Bread and Cheese

Farm to Market French Farm Artisan Loaf 

Hemme Brothers Pizza Cheese

Have a blessed week,

Dave and Sheri