Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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CSA On Schedule this Week

Posted on July 1st, 2023 by Dave Redfearn

Just in case you were wondering, we are following the regularly scheduled CSA pickups this week.  We will take off some time to celebrate in the evenings, but we'll be hard at it getting things together for your CSA boxes.

I'm sad to report that we've reached the end of the broccolini.  Summer has ended their production.  But, their fall replacements are already seeded and growing well, and we'll be transplanting the fall plants in just a few weeks.  Lord willing, we'll be seeing some broccolini again in early September!  

We will be harvesting the very first of the Italian sweet peppers this week.  Just like everything else, the first few weeks we'll have limited quantities as the yield increases until we reach full production a few weeks from now.  The cherry tomatoes are growing fabulously and despite the heat, they've been setting a healthy quantity of young fruit which should yield a continuous and copious harvest of these delectable morsels for many weeks to come!  

What do we have a lot of?

Cherry tomatoes, carrots, beets, kohlrabi, Salad mix, and salad turnips are all really plentiful and of really high quality right now.  If you are going to be out of town or need to catch up on your cooking, load up on those roots because they're amazing right now and they'll keep for many weeks in the fridge.  Kohlrabi sticks and carrot sticks are an amazing cold snack to beat the summer heat and roasted root veggies are an easy main dish or side dish to go along with most any meal.

Bread and Cheese

Farm to Market Sourdough Artisan Loaf

Hemme Brothers Fresh Mozzarella (NOTE: Shelf Life is about 7 days in the fridge, otherwise freeze for longer storage)   

Have a wonderful Independence Day!

Dave and Sheri