Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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Winter CSA Week 2

Posted on October 31st, 2020 by Dave Redfearn

Last week we got a taste of winter, but now we're enjoying paradise...except for the wind!  We've got some amazing choices for you again this week!  Too much to choose from really!  The options will begin to thin down as the cold weather sets in and we clear out the remaining summer plants, but we can enjoy green peppers while they last!  

We do our best packing your custom boxes but we do make errors.  If you are missing something that your confirmation email said was supposed to be in your box, please let us know.  We can easily put credit on your account that you can use to purchase extras in the future.  Some of you know the drill and I've received a couple emails about missed product.  Don't be bashful.  We want you to get what you paid for!

If you've messaged us and I haven't gotten back to you, I apologize.  I'm buried right now trying to finish up another greenhouse before the weather turns cold.  Been working by headlamp the last couple days.  We hope to get it finished this week if the winds will calm down a bit.  Then, more amazing winter produce will be going in the ground shortly afterward! 

We hope the first pickup went well for you!  Doing porch pickups where we drop off shares and aren't there to give them to you is new for us.  To tell the truth, I think we'll miss seeing those of you who are doing those pickups, but hopefully we can see you again for more standard summer CSA pickups.  

About the porch pickups and the drop off at Dr. Leahy Chiropractic.  Just a reminder that if you miss your pickups at these locations, we can't really do anything for you because the share doesn't come back to the farm with us.  The site hosts will be giving your share away if you don't pick it up and we aren't asking them to try to hold them for you.  For pickups where you meet us and our scary van or where you come to the farm, if you miss your pickup, we'll bring your share back to the farm and keep it in the little walk in cooler that looks like a shed.  You can come pick it up whenever you'd like.  I repeat, THIS DOES NOT APPLY to the porch pickups where we've dropped your share off.  We aren't going back to pick those up so we won't have them for you if you miss. 

Bread shares, if you have them this week will be Artisan: Kalamata Olive or Sliced: Sourdough.  I'll try to keep you in the loop on what you'll be receiving each week so you can plan accordingly.   

Thanks again for taking the plunge to eat with the seasons even into the cold, dark winter.  Thanks for keeping our local farm going when finances can typically be tight.  We're grateful for your support!

Your farmers,

Dave and Sheri