Farm Happenings at Rora Valley Farms
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Keeping it Coming!

Posted on June 11th, 2019 by Noah Sanders

This week will be the first without salad mix this season. The recent heat caused the plantings of lettuce to get bitter. But our goal is to keep it coming despite the heat! To that end we are continuing a succession of plantings and are using shade cloth to help protect the seedlings from too much sun. It was great this past week to hear that some of you have been enjoying the salad mix! Even though we don't have salad mix this week, it is our first week to have spring carrots!! Enjoy.

Also, the cookies some of you enjoy so much have increased in price/value. We really go all out to use organic flour, sugar, etc. and we realized we weren't really making any profit from them at $2 each. So they now take up $3 value in your bag or extra purchase. Thanks for understanding!

Next week will be the last delivery of this signup session. We will then take off the last week of June and begin the next 9-week season the first week of July. Please let me know if you don't want to be auto-renewed to the next season or if you want to change some of your share preferences. Thanks!

Your Farmer,

Noah Sanders