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Farm Happenings at Root 5 Farm
Celebrating our Interdependence
While this coming weekend marks July 4th, Independence Day, this year we invite you to celebrate our interdependence: our sense of mutuality and relationship with each other and the earth. We acknowledge the long, painful history our nation’s agricultural system is built u1 read more »
Meet Zay
Zay is the newest member of our staff, joining us in early March from Huston, Texas where they ran a small urban farm. "I started farming because I wanted to empower others through farming, but ended up feeling that way myself! My favorite tool on the farm is my hori-hori knife which is useful for1 read more »
Summer Solstice
June 20, 2020 was the longest day of the year, the peak of sunlight in our part of the world. Solstice comes from the Latin words sol, meaning Sun and sistere, meaning stand still. This is a significant turning point in the vegetable farming season as we're shifting th1 read more »
June 20, 2020 is the longest day of the year, the peak of sunlight in our part of the world. Solstice comes from the Latin words sol, meaning Sun and sistere, meaning stand still. This is a significant turning point in vegetable farming, as we're shifting through this1 read more »
The rye and vetch cover crop has grown taller than me, so our big project this week is to chop it up into mulch for our perennial asparagus patch. We mow it onto a trailer and spread it green to dry in the pathways. Then, once we're done with asparagus harvest in a few weeks, we'll rake it into the1 read more »
This is our view of the Connecticut River from our irrigation pump. We've been spending a lot of time here lately. It's a lovely place to meditate on water while priming the pump. During a dry spring like this one, we feel so fortunate to have access to a good, clean, abundant water source. Our irr1 read more »