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Farm Happenings at Root 5 Farm
We are so very grateful for the abundant harvest this season, and we hope you feel our pride and happiness as you prepare these foods for your thanksgiving table.
May your Thanksgiving holiday be a time of gratitude towards all that you have and all that you cherish and also a time1 read more »
Cold Snap
We've been working long hours and getting creative with our storage space to harvest the remainder of our crops before temps take a sharp turn into the single digits tonight. Even our hardiest crops won't survive this deep freeze. We've packed our root cellar with thousands of pounds of carrots and1 read more »
Why do vegetables taste sweeter in the winter?
When the temperatures drop and frost hits, only the heartiest vegetables are equipped to survive. Some plants (like carrots, kale, spinach, and brussels sprouts) have the ability to convert some of their starch stores into sugar. They do this to keep the water in their cells from freezing. So the a1 read more »