Farm Happenings at Meadowlark Community Farm
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Summer Share: Week 18

Posted on September 27th, 2019 by Lauren and Craig Kreutzer

I'm thankful to be in from the field - in clean, dry clothes drinking a warm cup of decaf coffee. I'm writing this on Friday afternoon, and we just wrapped up sweet potato harvest in the cool, misty drizzle. I can't help but love this time of year. The cooler weather, the fall colors, and the shorter days of autumn mean the comfy, cozy feeling of warm drinks, cozy sweatshirts, and comfort food. 

With the cooler weather, lettuce and spinach are returning to our harvest list. New in this week's shares are acorn squash, russet potatoes, cauliflower, and romanesco. If you've never had romanesco before, it is similar to cauliflower, with a little nuttiness and a bit of a bite. 

Soup season is officially here - and fall celery is ready just in time! For dinner, we're cooking up a pot of potato soup to be served along side a pile of roasted cauliflower and romanesco. Be sure to save any scraps and celery leaves to use in making broth. Other veggie scraps - like parsley stems, carrot ends, and onion skins can also be used to flavor broth. If you have never made broth before, it is so simple and makes an amazing, nourishing staple. You can follow this recipe: I keep a gallon ziploc bag in the freezer to store veggie scraps for the next time I make broth.

Happy Autumn! And a HUGE thank you to everyone who made it out to our Fall Harvest Party. We had a beautiful time celebrating the CSA season with all of you. 

Your Farmers,
Craig & Lauren