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Kaden's Birthday Farm Stand

Posted on May 22nd, 2023 by Conrad Cable

Kaden and I are harvesting some amazing vegetables for you this week! 

This Week!

Late Spring is here, it's over 90 degrees, and we have some of the first early Summer veggies! There is a small amount of the first pickings of cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini, and patty pan squash, those are all add-ons or swaps this week. We harvested the red Irish potatoes, so I am excited about having those in the shares for the next few months! It's a great root vegetable week too. Watermelon radishes are back, along with the large grade carrots. I added a lot of broccoli, and just a few cauliflower too. Instead of stir fry mix, we are going back to braising greens mixes since we have turnip greens and collard greens. There's nearly 30 vegetables and herbs available this week, so I hope you all get exactly what you want! This is the last week for sugar snap peas! 

**I apologize for not posting accurate inventory for spinach and blackberries last week. It really stresses me out when I get those numbers wrong. Creating the inventory before the harvesting has been completed is one of my most challenging jobs on the farm. 99% of the time I get it right, but last week getting both the spinach and blackberries wrong just made me feel rotten. Thank you all for your patience and understanding. 

Next Week

Expect a greater harvest of cucumbers, zucchini, and patty pan squash every week. This planting of green beans is on it's way out, but I am replanting where we have dug potatoes. I will most likely have a few daikon radish bundles to add as well. 

Farm Update

I was invited by the non-profit, Sprout NOLA, to Washington D.C. from June 19-22 to represent small farms concerning the farm bill. I was one of seven farmers selected from across Louisiana. Sprout would like me to tell the story of our farm as it applies to young, first generation farmers and small, diversified market gardens in meetings with the Louisiana delegation. Honestly, I felt a bit of imposter syndrome when they first asked me, I think there are a lot better growers than me out there across the state, but Margee and the Sprout staff assured me that our farming experience has so much in common with many other farms they have interviewed. It really is a surprise to have been asked to go, and I am very honored to advocate for increased federal investments in local food economies. 

Cole, our part-time farm hand, did a great job this past week! I can already tell a big difference, and he has only been here for three days! Good news--we didn't work on Sunday!

We celebrated Kaden's 30th birthday this weekend! There was a fun fish fry and crawfish boil out at his house north of Marion. A good time was had by all!