Farm Happenings at Blue Moon Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 10, 2020

Posted on June 4th, 2020 by Lorien Carsey

We continue to have customers come to pick up sites thinking they have shares but instead leave empty handed. I also receive many emails asking when to pick up shares. Did you know that you can see when your next delivery is on your profile page when you log into your account? Here is where you can find that info: 


You can also see all of your deliveries if you log into your profile you will see "Deliveries" on the top bar of your profile page. Click on "Deliveries" and you can see what weeks you need to pick up your shares.

 If you are a Champaign CSA member, please enter through the north entrance of the church and exit from the south entrance. It's best for traffic flow if everyone uses the same entrance and exit to prevent vehicular issues and potential accidents.

If you are a mushroom shareholder, you can look forward to Black King Trumpet mushrooms this week. 

In other news, we have a few broccoli, scallions and kohlrabi this week. I always look forward to broccoli. I love making a broccoli cheese soup, yes even in the summer. We hope everyone is enjoying their shares and look forward to seeing everyone at next week's pick up.


What you can do in your profile walkthrough:

How do I customize my share or purchase extra produce:

How do I reschedule or Hold my share for a week:

Please set your preferences on your dashboard.

This will give you more variety in your box from week to week. If you don't put your preferences in, you may receive the same box several weeks in a row.

Box Customization

In the past, if you swapped items, you may have been upcharged based on the various prices of our vegetables. Some of you were unaware you were charged and later found out and emailed me.This year, Harvie has made some adjustments to better inform you about your swaps. Now, if you are swapping something that will cause an upcharge, you will get a pop up notification informing you there will be an extra charge and gives you the option to continue or cancel.

Need help or have questions?

If you have questions, you can email Harvie support from your profile page who can help you with most of your questions. If they can't help you, they forward your email to us and we can help you out. By emailing Harvie, it prevents us being the middle man and having to forward your emails to Harvie support to assist you. This gives us more time to be in the fields and less time in front of our computer.