Farm Happenings at Rora Valley Farms
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The Beauty of Diversity

Posted on July 12th, 2021 by Noah Sanders

We hope you are doing well! This week we are delivering on Thursday. You can edit your bag's contents or skip your delivery until the cutoff time at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, the 13th. 

One of the fun things about market gardening is being able to grow many different varieties of vegetables. In the supermarket we are typically offered a very standard selection of each type of vegetable. But in reality there is a vast diversity of varieties available if we grow them ourselves. One good example is with tomatoes. Instead of just red tomatoes there are yellow, black, purple, green, and striped tomatoes. Some are old varieties that have been grown for years, like the brandywine or cherokee purple tomatoes. This week we have a collection of tomatoes available as well as some fresh blueberries!