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Farm Happenings at Ashbourne Farms
Farm Happenings for July 30, 2019
This week hasn't been to bad with the heat, but the previous weeks have had us all wilting! Our lettuces have really taken a hit. I am not sure if you have noticed, but you most likely have, our Spring Mix taste a little bit different. Lettuces do not like hot temperatures and growing them during t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 16, 2019
This week, despite the heat, we have been able to plant most of the winter squash. We have two varieties of butternut, two types of spaghetti, delicata and blue hubbard squashes in the ground now. next week, we should be able to get all of the pie pumpkins planted. And did I tell you that we have s1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 9, 2019
We harvested honey this week!! Our one surviving hive from this past winter produced two and half gallons of honey that we harvested on Wednesday. The bees have had a very busy and continue to be busy now, enjoying the abundance of clover growing in our grassy areas around the garden. Hopeful1 read more »