Farm Happenings at Root 5 Farm
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Soggy but Smilin'

Posted on June 29th, 2023 by Farm Manager

There are some fun new items available for your shares this week! We're excited to announce our first small batch of SriRAWcha, a farm-made version of the popular sriracha hot sauce. It's fermented with a blend of serrano and sweet pepper mash, garlic and raw cane sugar, making it rich in probiotics, high in vitamin C and loaded with flavor. You'll also see that we're now offering our Powerkraut Brines! Brine is essentially the "juice" that is produced when the salt interacts with the natural sugars of the cabbage and it is just as delicious and nutritious as the kraut itself. They're tasty tonics that can be used in salad dressings or marinades (you can even soak dry beans in them!). Because they're also packed full of electrolytes, we on the farm are constantly drinking them in the form of Brine-ade:

Brine-ade Recipe
¼-½ c sweetener of choice (maple syrup, honey, sugar)
1 c hot water (optional: steep ginger or mint for added flavors)
4 c cold water
1 c Powerkraut Brine
1 juiced lemon

If flavoring hot water with ginger, mint or other herbs, steep for at least 10 minutes. Strain and add sweetener of choice, mixing until dissolved. In a pitcher or ½ gallon jar, add cold water, brine, lemon juice and sweetened hot water. Drink as is or pour 1-2 ounces over ice and top with seltzer. This is a great recovery drink after a workout or time spent outside in summer.