Farm Happenings at Root 5 Farm
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Welcoming Winter

Posted on October 27th, 2021 by Danielle *Allen

Frost is in the forecast so we dress in many layers, warm our hands with mugs of coffee, and hustle to harvest the last of the field greens before the ground freezes. October 31st marks the midpoint between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice, when the ancient Celts celebrated the end of the harvest season and the official start of winter.

It's believed that at this time of year, the veil between our world and the worlds beyond is thin. Our modern day holiday of Halloween celebrates this time of year with ghosts and goblins, but on the farm we're more tuned into the natural cycles of death and decay. As the compost turns, death is a part of life.

Seasonal Recipes:

Sweet Potato Butternut Kale Gratin

Potato, Broccoli and Corn Soup

Stuffed Flat Breads


Original Un-Recipe from our Kitchen Manager Cindy:

Mashed Potatoes with Kohlrabi and Root 5 Farm Herbes Salées! -This is a great way to sneak kohlrabi into something you're used to cooking. It's tried and true- kids love it and go back for thirds!   

Cindy's Tid-Bits:

Add a splash of our turmeric fire cider to your mug of apple cider! Hot or cold, it's delicious and it will give you that extra immune boost you need during sniffle season!