Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #11-B

Posted on July 23rd, 2021 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

Edward Cucumberhands does NOT want you to miss your pick up this week! It's looking like it doesn't matter which, market or on farm, it's likely to be HOT! That's ok, we're all used to it by now right?! We're excited to have some flowers for the market tomorrow. Especially since it's the one week vacation for Dragon's Breath Farmer, Megan - she always brings beautiful flowers to the market, so we'll be able to lend a splash of color in her absence. We're hoping to add bouquets from Meg back in as an extras option soon, and we'll likely have our own gladiolus and dahlia bunches as an option as well. 

Let's see, what are the highlights from this week...well, we've gotten the rest of our fall brassicas planted. It's not as big a block as we do in Spring, but hopefully we'll be able to get you guys some more cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower before the CSA ends. We've picked an epic number of cucumbers this week, so we'll be sharing some great cucumber recipes for those who got them in their share. To be honest, our favorite way to eat cukes is probably just raw and sliced up with a little salt or pepper sprinkled on them. A close second would be mixed with onions and a good vinegar dressing in a cucumber salad. We're also starting to have our eye on those large blocks of crops that are creeping up on their harvest time (potatoes, onions, melons). It'll be exciting to have them ready to go, but it's a little daunting to think about all of the work that will go into harvesting them! Stay cool and thirsty!

See you at pick up!

Your Farmers, Rudy & Bonnie