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Farm Happenings at Firmly Rooted Farm
Bulk Veggies & Flowers!
We've been blessed with huge harvests of tomatoes (cherries and slicers), as well as carrots and some other goodies.
I've also been growing a ton of flowers this year, both because I can't help myself, and because my sister is getting married on the farm next month. We've decided1 read more »
Lettuce Rejoice! August 31, 2023 - Summer Share Week 13
Lettuce Rejoice!August 31, 2023Summer Share Week 13
It’s tomato season for real now, with hundreds of pounds rolling in every other day. The crop is supremely beautiful: red, sweet, and well formed, with almost no seconds.
For those that worship at the altar of seasonal ea1 read more »
Bulk Veggies available this week!
We had our first really big tomato and pepper harvest this week (yay!), and are still in abundant zucchini season. Our garlic is looking gorgeous too!
I'm sending out this extra farm stand to those that might want to stock up:) read more »
Lettuce Rejoice! August 24, 2023 - Summer Share Week 12
Lettuce Rejoice!August 24, 2023Summer Share Week 12
Earlier this week I was feeling morose. August the hardest month as a market gardener because it's peak harvest season, the weeds everywhere are bursting into flower (and seed), diseases and insects are often wreaking havoc, and1 read more »
Bulk Beans, Cherry Tomatoes & Zucchini
It's that lovely time of year where we can begin to tuck away summer crops to enjoy in the winter; we have extra beans, cherry tomatoes and zucchini available this week. I'll keep in touch and let you know as other items become available over the course of the summer.
Cheers and h1 read more »
Lettuce Rejoice - Summer Share Week 11
Lettuce Rejoice!August 17, 2023Summer Share Week 11
It’s the 11th week of the Summer Farm Share - thanks so much for joining us!
You are getting this email to let you know it’s time to customize your share, you will have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday to do so.
Here’s a how-to file:htt1 read more »
Lettuce Rejoice! August 10, 2023 - Summer Share Week 10
Lettuce Rejoice!August 10, 2023Summer Share Week 10
It’s the 10th week of the Summer Farm Share - thanks so much for joining us!
You are getting this email to let you know it’s time to customize your share, you will have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday to do so.
Here’s a how-to file:htt1 read more »