Farm Happenings at Firmly Rooted Farm
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Lettuce Rejoice! August 10, 2023 - Summer Share Week 10

Posted on August 4th, 2023 by Tamara McMullen

Lettuce Rejoice!
August 10, 2023
Summer Share Week 10

It’s the 10th week of the Summer Farm Share - thanks so much for joining us!

You are getting this email to let you know it’s time to customize your share, you will have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday to do so.

Here’s a how-to file:

If you run into any issues, please email , you can also reach out to me at 

Please return your cooler bags and binder clips each week - THANK YOU!!!



What’s in the Box?


As the photo above may hint, it's watermelon season baby!  I have high hopes that the cateloupe will wait another week or so to ripen, but you may see a slightly panicked email from me early next week adding those on.  

The first slicing tomatoes are also ready, along with a handful of eggplants.  Perfect timing: we are swimming in basil, you should be too!

There are spidermites in the cucumbers so we may have to pull them out later this week.  I predict a small gap between those finishing up and the next round starting.  Enjoy them this week!

We are sorry that the potatoes this week were SO DIRTY.  It just wouldn't stop raining in Kincardine where they hail from.  I'm afraid they'll be dirty for another week or so, then hopefully that won't be the case.  We seriously considered washing them, but the skin is so tender it all would have come off and that would have messed with storage.  Sometimes you just have to pick the best imperfect option.


On the Farm

Did you know that we are more then halfway through the summer share?  Thank you all for joining us!  I can hardly believe we are here already.  

I think we've grown some pretty spectacular food to date, and the fall plantings look awesome.  And by "we", I mean the collective "we".  Brian and I, have an absolutely incredible crew of farmers for whom we are SO GRATEFUL.  They make our farm, and I think our food, pretty magical.  



That's all for now, happy eating until next time.

 Farmer Tamara