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Farm Happenings at Farmers Fresh
Farm Happenings for April 28, 2020
Supporting Farms .. with cream of mushroom soup?
Many of you have been hearing about the food being wasted when the supply chain broke down these last few weeks. We have had a few emails asking about where Farmers Fresh lies in all of this chaos and I thought I would take a moment to highlight some1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 21, 2020
A little birdie told me...
The images streaming in through our TV and on-line are starting to show the COVID virus ripple effects. This may end up having an even bigger effect on our society as we know it than the virus itself. Many people that are truly confused these days about what is going on a1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 14, 2020
Apples coming and going. We have received a lot of compliments on the apples this week and we appreciate it! Unfortunately the days of apples are limited as we get down to the last bin. Fortunately the new blossoms have come out - it was beautiful - and it looks like a great crop for this fall. The1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 7, 2020
Ok … I know this is not the pretty side of our farm operations but it is a very necessary part of getting food from the farm to you! Packaging … the necessary evil in the equation. We have evaluated the various options over the years and have adopted the current set of packaging that1 read more »