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Farm Happenings at Farmers Fresh
Farm Happenings for March 31, 2020
Spring has sprung! We are busy working to bring the fresh spring flavors to your boxes and help some of local farmers find new homes for their products. Many of our small local dairies, ranches and farms have depended on their restaurant sales and have been suddenly impacted as the restaurants have1 read more »
Farm Happenings for March 24, 2020
Everyone is waiting for those first Spring berries! Unfortunately the mocking birds are picking them before we can get to them so we are hoping that we will have enough to share this week.
Speaking of sharing --- welcome our new CSA members. With all of our world suddenly turning upside down1 read more »
Farm Happenings for March 17, 2020
A little kumquat to throw at COVID-19!
Don't want to demean the severity of what is likely heading our way but if there was ever a good time to be healthy now would be that time. Everything we offer in our CSA boxes will help you be a healthier you so for all the things we don't have control over t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for March 10, 2020
This is what our veggie field looked like a month ago when our little creek turned into a river. Somewhere under all that water were our brussels sprouts - we have tried to resuscitate them but I finally decided to pull the plug today. Hopefully next year will be great!
Fortunately we have our farm1 read more »