Farm Happenings at Blue Moon Farm
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Farm Happenings for September 1st, 2021

Posted on August 27th, 2021 by Lorien Carsey

The crew keeps hauling in the food in spite of blazing temps and steamy conditions. We have so many tomatoes and peppers to share, and our leafy greens are coming back too.

On that note, your leafy greens like salad, arugula, kale, chard, parsley and cilantro will really appreciate a soaking in cold water once you get back from pickup. They can be spun or dried off before going into the fridge, but the few hours they spend outside of a cooler for those pickup days are going to wilt them. Because they were harvested and washed within a day or two of pickup, they should be good as new after being rehydrated in your home.

On that note, I saw this article from the Washington post about washing your produce that I thought was pretty good.

We hope everyone is keeping sane in this heat wave. The end is near, next week looks ten degrees better.

Enjoy the food!