Farm Happenings at Blue Moon Farm
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Farm Happenings for February 6, 2021: Small Pop-up Delivery

Posted on February 1st, 2021 by Lorien Carsey

We are doing a TINY delivery this Saturday outside of our normally scheduled deliveries, which are the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. 

We don’t have a lot to sell this week, mainly carrots and a few green things.

To try to spread out the offerings, I only made small shares available.  

We do have lots of cheese from Prairie Fruits Farm though. At our house we are loving the combination of sweet carrots and creamy cottage cheese. We dip the carrot sticks in the cheese. Feels pretty decadent but you need to enjoy the good stuff right now. 

We may sell out very fast and I apologize ahead of time if we don’t have anything but carrots by the time you sign on. Don’t fret, we have another delivery next week and should have more availability then. 

Our green things are going to start to take off soon, we just need some more sun.

Upcoming Delivery Schedule:

2-6-21- Pop UP Delivery

2-13-21- Regular Delivery

2-27-21 - Regular Delivery

3-13-21 - Regular Delivery

3-27-21 Regular Delivery

4-10-21- Regular Delivery

4-24-21 -  Regular Delivery

5-1-21 -  Outdoor Market begins

5-26-21 - CSA begins

We hope you are enjoying the beautiful snow!

See you Saturday!