Farm Happenings at Ashbourne Farms
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Carrrots! And a Few More Announcements

Posted on January 17th, 2019 by Cathy Shepherd

Everybody loves carrots. Especially our greenhouse carrots, but they are really hard to grow when its colder outside, even with heated greenhouses. They are slow to grow and much slower to germinate than field carrots in the summer.The rotation that we will harvest from this week, we should have seeded two or three beds when we seeded them, but we didn't have the greenhouse space at the time. We have three other beds planted right now in carrots, but unless you want teeny-weeny baby carrots, they need another month before they can be harvested as small carrots. All this being said, a handful of you received carrots in your shares last week. I ask that if you received carrots in your last share and they are put into your box again this week, please swap them out for another item. If you do this, then everybody that didn't get them, should be able to this week. And for those of you who didn't get carrots last time, if you still don't get them, please let us know and we will do our best to make sure that you do. They are a yummy and delicious item and we want to make sure that everybody gets them. Thank you in advance!

No bread will be offered this week either. :( Our amazing Chef Nokee is out of town and unable to bake any breads.


Also, I am waiting to hear back from one or two of our CSA pick up locations for the main season. Hopefully by the end of January, you will be able to get back on Harvie and sign up for Bi-weekly, Spring, Summer, and Fall shares. If you sign up early, there will be a few discounts that you will be able to take advantage of. We will let you know when exactly you will be able to start signing up. If any of you have some really strong feelings about the Harvie program, good or bad, please let us know. From our point of view, we really like it, but we are also aware that it has it's setbacks.