Farm Happenings at Wabi Sabi Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 29, 2018

Posted on August 27th, 2018 by Ben Saunders

A few weeks ago while harvesting Cinnamon Basil we discovered a Monarch Caterpillar that was starting to form a chrysalis on one of the basil leaves we had harvested.  For fun, we taped the leaf to a rafter in our Pack Shed.  I honestly didn't think it was going to survive but decided to give it a shot.  Much to our surprise, this morning when we opened up the door we saw that it had just emerged as a butterfly!  The photo is of that butterfly!

This caterpillar actually living and becoming a butterfly, despite our doubt, is kind of a metaphor for this season. This Spring was the hardest start to a growing season we've ever had!  Record Cold April, Record Hot May, issues with the development going on around us causing issues (like Farm flooding because creek filled in with Silt) and getting Spring plantings done later than normal made us kind of wonder how we were going to survive this season!  But just like the Butterfly emerging from the chrysalis it seems like we've made it through, thanks in part to you all's support!  This is honestly the first year EVER that I'm not only a little bummed the season is winding down and am also very excited for next season already!!!

A new vegetable to us that we are excited to see in the shares this week is called Koji!  It is an Asian Green that is a cross of Bok Choy and Tat Soi but can handle the heat of the summer!  We love all the leafy greens but it is hard to find something (besides Chard and Kale) that can handle the heat but Koji seems to be just the thing!!!  Please feel free to let us know your thoughts on this new veggie!